teaching & supervision


  1. Robot simulation programming using ROS/Gazebo, University of Toulon, France, Spring 2018-present.


Ph.D Student
  1. Cao Tan Minh (University of Toulon, France, 01/2024 - present, co-advised with Prof. Thierry SORIANO and Prof. Valentin GIES). Topic: Design methodology and algorithm for robot swarms. Financed by the PACA region, France
Graduate students
  1. Le Bihan Thibault and Alexis Rozier, | ́(Ecole d’Ingenieurs SeaTech, University of Toulon, France). Topic: Tracking the course of an autonomous sailboat. Thesis defense: Dec. 2022

  2. Savarin Christopher and Taleb Cody | ́(Ecole d’Ingenieurs SeaTech, University of Toulon, France). Topic: Estimation of a relative position between 2 AUVs using a camera. Thesis defense: Dec. 2020